Windrush Weather

135 hours of strong sunshine this month

Although tuesday morning was dull and overcast the sun did put in an appearance with a total of 2.01 hours, mainly in the afternoon before cloud began to build. This raised the total of strong sunshine this month to 134.8 hours, which is far more than 2014 & 2015 but less than the the 165 hours in 2016.

The sun did push the temperature above average with a maximum of 23.6 (+3C) at 14.51 before the cloud and breeze began to increase.

An overcast night followed with a minimum of 11.5C, exactly average for August.

This morning dawned with much cloud and evidence, at 08.00, of a weather front approaching from the west with thick cloud and possible rain.

A notable feature at 08.00 was the humidity level of 84%, the lowest this month due to the seven continuously dry days bringing considerable warmth before the weather front arrived.