Windrush Weather

A dry and sunny day before the rains return!

Sunday produced 7.5 hours of strong sunshine and the highest solar energy for almost a fortnight.

Sadly, the very brisk south-westerly wind, gusting to 20mph, kept the temperature down with a maximum of 20.3C at 14.42, which was 0.4C below the 33-year average but up a degree on the Friday peak. The strong sun also meat the the UV level just crept into the ‘Vey High’ category again.

An initially mainly clear sky overnight meant that the thermometer dropped to its lowest at 02.08 this morning with a minimum of 12.3C, just above average, but some 4C higher than the very cool night previously. At this time increasing cloud from the west stopped the temperature from falling further in advance of another weather front.

Today dawned with thick, low cloud and the threat of rain.