Autumnal feel in the weather

A maximum of 21.2C on Sunday, in the very welcome sunshine after midday, was 2.1C above my 40-year average and the warmest day since the 4th. It was, thankfully, a dry day with the UV even recovering a little reaching the top end of Moderate. The thermometer slowly fell away overnight to reach a low of 12.6C at 08.00 Monday.

Monday revealed another cloudy start to a new day but this time it was much thinner and higher. Also notable, was the change in wind direction, coming from the Northwest. Also notable was that the humidity at 08.00 for the last three days was 100% but this morning, not only a cooler air but drier air. At the moment we are coming under the influence of a high pressure mid-atlantic but over the next two days this will sink away and we will come under the influence of a low to the northwest. The current barometric pressure at 1010.9mb is up 7mb since yesterday. This will result in a stronger and cooler air stream and from the northwest.
