The Arctic Maritime airmass on Sunday meant that the thermometer struggled to give us a maximum of just 7.3C, which was the coldest day since 28th February and almost 3C below the 33-year average. The wind gained strength from early morning to bring a maximum gust of 25mph and producing significant wind chill that made the temperatures feel 3C colder.
The barometric pressure was rising from the nose of high pressure that gave us 3.1 hours of strong sunshine yesterday and the highest barometric pressure since 17th June at 08.00 this morning with a reading of 1026.7mb.
Although there was an air frost with the thermometer dropping to -0.4C, there have been two nights with lower minima this month. However, the colder day and night have meant that the soil temperature at a depth of 5cm has dropped to 1.6C, the coldest since 28th February.