Windrush Weather

Category: Commentary

  • Autumn arrives, meteorologically, with much sunshine

    Friday arrived with sunshine from the start and produced 9.22 hours of strong sunshine and a maximum of 20.0C, 1.3C above the September average.

    The winds were very light again, due to the high pressure, with no rainfall.

    It was another very cool night wth the thermometer dropping to a minimum of 6.8C just before 7am, some 2.5C below the average for September.

    This morning dawned with lines of fog that formed just before dawn and merged into a more general fog bank that then dispersed by 7.30am.

    August summary

    With a very wet start to the month, followed by a cool period, then ending in a dry week with very warm days, it was a variable month.

    The wettest day was on the 2nd when 15.1mm of rain was recorded, being a quarter of the month’s total. Two weeks followed that brought changeable weather that included rain on many days but no great quantity until the 20th with 9.3mm. The rainfall for August totalled 59.3mm, which was 7.3mm below the 33-year average, making it the driest August since 2013.

    There 12 wet days, described meteorologically as days when at least 1mm of rain is recorded. Interestingly, the trend for wet days in August has risen from about 9 days in the 1990’s to 11 during the past few years.

    Evaporation from ground sources and plant life totalled 72.3mm. This loss of moisture into the atmosphere usually far exceeds the rainfall total in a summer month but this August it was only 13mm in excess.

    The end of the first week felt more like autumn with maxima 6C below the 33-year August average on two days; 15.4C on the 9th was the coolest day in the month.

    This summer month redeemed itself with seven consecutive dry days from the 23rd – 29th when the thermometer soared to 27.8C on the 28th, the warmest day of the month being some 7C above the long-term average.

    The last day of August dawned with the morning feeling like the start of autumn as we experienced the lowest temperature of the month when the thermometer dropped to 6.6C being 5C below the August average minimum.

    We enjoyed 143.6 hours of strong sunshine, which was down 20 hours on the total for 2016 but twice the total for the dull August of 2015. There were three glorious days when the sunshine total rose into double figures, the sunniest was a total of 12.29 hours on August 10th. The flip side was the very wet day on 2nd August when no sunshine was recorded.

    September 1st is meteorologically the first day of autumn. George Eliot wrote, “My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns”. We look forward the colourful autumnal leaf displays as the season progresses.

  • Last day of Summer was summer like

    Thursday gave us 8.7 hours of strong sunshine that boosted the temperature to 19.4C, 1.2C below the August average but with light winds again it was a very pleasant end to the season of summer, meteorologically.

    There was a brief shower, amounting to 0.6mm, around midday, which brought the total for August to 59.3mm. This is 7.3mm below the August average.

    The past night was not as cold as the previous one, but still cool, being 3C below the August average with the thermometer dropping to 8.4C.

    Today dawned with glorious sunshine boosting the temperature at 08.00 to 10.9C as a modest ridge of high pressure promises a fine autumn day.

    August summary

    With a very wet start to the month, followed by a cool period, then ending in a dry week with very warm days, it was a variable month.

    The wettest day was on the 2nd when 15.1mm of rain was recorded, being a quarter of the month’s total. Two weeks followed that brought changeable weather that included rain on many days but no great quantity until the 20th with 9.3mm. The rainfall for August totalled 59.3mm, which was 7.3mm below the 33-year average, making it the driest August since 2013.

    There 12 wet days, described meteorologically as days when at least 1mm of rain is recorded. Interestingly, the trend for wet days in August has risen from about 9 days in the 1990’s to 11 during the past few years.

    Evaporation from ground sources and plant life totalled 72.3mm. This loss of moisture into the atmosphere usually far exceeds the rainfall total in a summer month but this August it was only 13mm in excess.

    The end of the first week felt more like autumn with maxima 6C below the 33-year August average on two days; 15.4C on the 9th was the coolest day in the month.

    This summer month redeemed itself with seven consecutive dry days from the 23rd – 29th when the thermometer soared to 27.8C on the 28th, the warmest day of the month being some 7C above the long-term average.

    The last day of August dawned with the morning feeling like the start of autumn as we experienced the lowest temperature of the month when the thermometer dropped to 6.6C being 5C below the August average minimum.

    We enjoyed 143.6 hours of strong sunshine, which was down 20 hours on the total for 2016 but twice the total for the dull August of 2015. There were three glorious days when the sunshine total rose into double figures, the sunniest was a total of 12.29 hours on August 10th. The flip side was the very wet day on 2nd August when no sunshine was recorded.

    September 1st is meteorologically the first day of autumn. George Eliot wrote, “My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns”. We look forward the colourful autumnal leaf displays as the season progresses.

  • Brrr! – cool, very cool & cloudy was wednesday

    Maximum of 15.9C, down 8C on previous day and 5C below average
    Minimum of 6.6C, 5C down on previous night and 5C below average
    Rainfall of 0.5mm after seven consecutive dry days.
    Sunshine – just 10 minutes compared to almost 12 hours on Sunday & 11 hours on Monday.

    It was the coolest day for three weeks and the coolest night for over three months since 11th May.

    This morning there has been intermittent sunshine that raised the thermometer to 10.3C at 08.00, the coolest start at this time of day since 16th August.

    Rainfall total is 58.7mm, which is 8mm below the August average.

  • 135 hours of strong sunshine this month

    Although tuesday morning was dull and overcast the sun did put in an appearance with a total of 2.01 hours, mainly in the afternoon before cloud began to build. This raised the total of strong sunshine this month to 134.8 hours, which is far more than 2014 & 2015 but less than the the 165 hours in 2016.

    The sun did push the temperature above average with a maximum of 23.6 (+3C) at 14.51 before the cloud and breeze began to increase.

    An overcast night followed with a minimum of 11.5C, exactly average for August.

    This morning dawned with much cloud and evidence, at 08.00, of a weather front approaching from the west with thick cloud and possible rain.

    A notable feature at 08.00 was the humidity level of 84%, the lowest this month due to the seven continuously dry days bringing considerable warmth before the weather front arrived.

  • Real summer! hottest day for nearly two months

    The 10.64 hours of strong sunshine on monday was down over an hour from that recorded on sunday but the residual warmth in the ground meant that the thermometer steadily rose to a maximum of 27.8C at 15.41. This was the hottest day since 6th July and 7.1C above the long-term August average.

    It was a very mild night as the thermometer did not drop below 14.2C. With sunshine shortly after dawn this had risen to 16.0C at 08.00 – a very warm start to the day.

    The ground temperature at a depth of 5cm was 18.1C at 08.00, the warmest at this time of day this month and since 19th July.