Windrush Weather

Category: Commentary

  • Simply – changeable!

    We had an almost dry day on Sunday with the exception of a few drops around lunchtime, not measurable. But just before 5pm the showers started again producing another 3.5mm of precipitation, thankfully not as wet as the previous day. The total for July is now 97.2mm, which is 163% of the 33-year average or plus 37mm. This makes 2017 the wettest July since 2009.

    As on previous days, the sunny morning with 2 hours of strong sunshine, raised the thermometer to its highest just before 1pm, with a peak of 18.6C, nearly 4C below average.

    It was a much cooler night, below average, with a minimum of 11.0C at 05.24. This was the first below average night for a week.

    This morning has dawned with much sunshine and minimal cloud, raising the temperature to 14.2C at 08.00.

  • Rain, Rain, go away!!

    The nature of this changeable and showery weather is to have a relatively dry morning and then the showers to bubble up as the temperature rises.

    Yesterday was a classic example as 2.23 hours of strong sunshine was logged in the morning but by 11.30 the first precipitation had started to fall. Occasional bursts followed in the afternoon. Just after 4pm the leading effect of a cold front transiting the area was felt as rain started to fall that continued to 9pm when it eased for a couple of hours then intensified as heavy rain fell just before and after midnight.

    The rainfall yesterday amounted to 14.8mm, the third wettest day this month. That brought the total for July to 93.7mm, which is 157% of the 33-year average or 34mm above the average of 59.8mm. This makes it the seventh wettest July I have recorded since 1984.

    With the sun disappearing before midday it was not surprising to find that the maximum was depressed again wth a peak of only 18.3C at 13.30, which was 4C below the 33-year average for July. The maximum has been gradually falling each day for the past five days.

    Another mild night followed with a minimum of 13.1C, which was 1.5C above the average.

  • A little rain, a little sun, windy and cool – more like Autumn!

    Friday brought fewer showers, producing 1mm of rainfall but little sun, only 40 minutes of strong sunshine.

    Therefore it is not surprising that the maximum was depressed, registering just 18.6C, almost 4C below the July average. Not only was there minimal sunshine, when it did appear the UV level had dropped to ‘High”.

    However, it was another mild night with a minimum of 12.8C. There have been 24 above average nights this month due to the cloudy skies overnight.

    This morning dawned with intermittent sunshine with the promise of more rain after lunch.

  • Sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain – repeating pattern of weather

    The weather forecasters describe the recent weather pattern as changeable. Thursday was an example of this type of weather as six bands of showery rain traversed this area with modest amounts of rain from each shower.

    The six showers produced 2.6mm of precipitation bringing the July total to 77.9mm, which is almost 20mm above the 33-year average.

    Interspersed with these showers were welcome bursts of strong sunshine that amounted to 3.93 hours that pushed the maximum to 19.3C, which was 3C below the July average, just after 13.34. This early peak in the day was due to the increasing bands of cloud bringing the showers.

    The minimum of 12.1C, just above average, was also recorded earlier in the morning than usual at this time of the year as the thermometer then rose steadily to 14.5C at 08.00.

    This morning started with thick cloud but at the time readings were taken there were intermittent bursts of sunshine.

  • Weather depression makes one depressed with so little sun!

    Back to frequent showers and little sunshine on wednesday. Therefore it is not surprising to find the maximum temperature depressed with a peak of 19.8C, some 2.5C below the July average. There was a very brief sunny interlude around lunchtime that produced two minutes of string sunshine and a peak UV of 8.8, which was in the ‘Very High’ level.

    Frequent showers during the daytime and again early this morning gave 6.7mm of precipitation bringing the the total for July to 75.3mm, which is 126% of the 33-year average.

    As on many previous nights the thick cloud produced another mild night with the thermometer sinking to 12.7C at 04.45, this was 1C above the 33-year average.

    This morning has dawned with the continuation of the thick cloud with no sign of any sunshine.