Windrush Weather

Changeable they say. No change here day by day with frequent rain and little sun!

Maximum: 5.3C below average at 15.4C, lowest for over two months
Rain: Another 3.3mm bringing the August total to 26.5mm
UV: Down to 3.1, which is only ‘Moderate” and lowest for almost a month
Sunshine: Just 4 minutes!

Minimum: Just about average with 11.9C at 08.00 due to the thick, low cloud and rain

This morning:
Temperature: At 08.00 was 11.9C, the lowest since 29th June
Humidity: At 08.00 was 97%, being highest for almost a fortnight
Thick, low cloud producing drizzle and light rain.
To add insult to injury the wind veered into the north yesterday and remains there today.