With the anticyclone centred almost overhead yesterday it was not surprising that there was little wind. For long periods the anemometer did not stir with the maximum gust during daytime hours of 6 mph and just after 2am this morning a gust of 7 mph.
The air, coming from the northwest, meant a cool day, in fact it was the coolest day since 27th April. The thermometer reached a peak of 11.0C, being 3.6C below the average and fell away to 2.8C just before 9pm last night when with increasing cloud it reversed and picked up 0.5C. Just after midnight, the much thicker cloud that had arrived meant an increase of 4C by dawn so that the thermometer at 08.00 read 8.3C.
This morning is overcast with high cloud and no sunshine.
The total rainfall for October is 55mm below the 33-year average with just 31.3mm of precipitation this month and with evaporation from ground sources and plant life of 27mm, it is no wonder that our local rivers are running so low.