Windrush Weather

Coldest night for seven months

The forecast cold air reached Marlborough yesterday with a maximum of 7.6C, some 2.4C below the 33-year average, although we had 1.7 Hours of strong sunshine.

The other noticeable feature during daylight hours was the lack of wind. For long periods there were still conditions and the maximum movement, cannot call it a gust, was just 4 mph.

The clear skies initially overnight meant that the thermometer fell rapidly late afternoon, reaching freezing a 18.20 and dropping to a low of -2.8 at 00.23 early this morning. The made it the coldest night since 27th April. There was then a surprising lift of temperature of 4C until just after 4am, when the thermometer fell back again to just below freezing.

This morning has broken with hazy sunshine, due to thin high cloud, and the thermometer gradually rising.