Maximum wind gust: 37 mph
Rainfall: 11.8mm
Temperature drop at 08.00: 7.7CC
Maximum temperature: 13.7C (+3.7C)
Minimum temperature: 6.0C (+2.3C)
Barometric pressure: 984.8mb at 02.28
Humidity at 08.00: 86%
All day on Wednesday the thermometer hovered around 13.6C with a maximum of 13.7C being a significant 3.7C above the 33-year average. It started to drop a couple of degrees in the evening but the major fall in temperature was this morning as the cloud began to thin just after 5am. By 08.00 the thermometer had fallen nearly 8C within twenty-four hours.
The significant rainfall of 11.8mm, very heavy around 23.30, brings the total for November to 55.6mm, being 60% of the November average. However, this was just a quarter of the deluge that fell in Lancashire causing much flooding.
The weather front cleared to the east this morning leaving a legacy of thin cloud at 08.00 with the wind having veered from the south into the west. As a result of the change in wind direction, the humidity reading at 08.00 was 86%, being the driest air at this time for almost a month.
All this dramatic weather was due to a very deep depression to the west of the country giving the lowest barometric pressure of 984.8mb since 5th March.