Windrush Weather

Exceptionally mild night due to rain bands and southerly winds

The southerly winds, peaking at 22mph on Wednesday, meant a warm day with the maximum of 21.4C being 0.7C above the August average.

The strong sunshine was reduced to 3.8 hours compared to 9 hours on Tuesday, bringing the total for August to 70 hours.

The first rain band arrived at 22.15 last night and lasted for almost half hour. The second longer and heavier rain band arrived just after 02.30 this morning producing a total of 6.6mm. The rainfall for August now stands at 39.0mm, being 59% of the August average.

It was an exceptionally mild night with the thermometer not dropping below 14.7C at 00.30.

The hang back of cloud from these weather fronts is much in evidence this morning with the thick cloud easing eastwards and showing signs of breaks in the cloud layer.

The thermometer has risen even higher so that at 08.00 it read 17.0C.