Windrush Weather

First air frost of season but still driest October since 1984 – just.

The brisk northerly winds on Sunday, gusting to 23mph, pegged back the temperature even though we had 3 hours of strong sunshine. The thermometer slowly crept up to a maximum of 13.4C at 13.03, being 1.2C below the average, but then began to fall to around 10C for the rest of the afternoon before, in clearing skies, falling steadily to a minimum of -0.5C at 07.10.

Hazy sunshine greeted us at dawn this morning with the sun slowly strengthening after 8am

Sunday was another dry day so the total precipitation for October is still 31.3mm when the record low was set in 2016 with 31.5mm. That was the driest October since this station commenced recordings in 1984.

The barometric pressure this morning at 08.00 reads 1031.7mb and is still rising.