Thursday was the first day this month when no sunshine was recorded. However, the thermometer rose to a maximum of 13.2C just after 2.30pm, being 3.2C above the average, and then steadily fell away until a minimum of 5.4C was reached just before midnight.
Yet instead of continuing the downward trend the temperature started to rise again, by 5C, so that at 08.00 the thermometer read 10.6C.
The frequent weather fronts passing over the country are producing such variable weather this month as the wind is constantly changing direction.
Maximum variation: 8.4C to 14.4C
Minimum variation: -2.1C to 6.9C
Morning at 08.00: -1.7C to 10.6C
Rainfall variation: 0 to 12.7mm
Barometric pressure variation: 1001.5mb to 1026.5mb