February is invariably the harshest winter month and proved so in 2013 with a mean 1C lower that January 2013 and over 2C lower than December 2012. It was the coldest February since 1996 with a mean 1.8C below the long-term average. There were only nine days with a maximum above the average although the most severe air frost, which occurred on the 19th, produced a low of -4.8C which is mild compared to the extreme low of -13.8C that was recorded in February 2012. An air frost occurred on sixteen days, five above the average.
The total rainfall was 44.3mm, which is 70% of the long-term average and the first below average month since September 2012.
The last week was notable for strong northeasterly winds circulating around an anticyclone centred over Scandinavia producing low temperatures that combined to produce a wind chill of -5C on two days.
Snow fell on four days with morning fog seen on three days although there were several misty days with low cloud.
The mean was 0.7C below the long-term average with an air frost occurring on 41 days, which is seven above the long-term average.
The rainfall total was 331mm that is 138% of the long-term average or +92mm. It was the fourth wettest winter since my records began 30 Years ago.