Windrush Weather

Monthly summary July 2010

July gave us another month with weather more fitting the season. The mean temperature was 1.1°C above the long-term average and was the fifth hottest July I have recorded. The hottest day was on the 9th when the thermometer peaked at 29.0°C. The total rainfall of 33.5mm was only 55% of the long-term average making it the driest July since 1999. The number of completely dry days (15) belies the fact that on several days there were light showers which did not produce any large quantity of precipitation, the wettest day on the 15th totalled just 7.6mm.

The last four months have all been drier than normal making this period the fourth driest on record with just 55% of the long-term average. The driest year was in 1995 with 108.7mm compared with the wettest in 2007 of 409.7mm. With only 128.1mm this year it is 105mm below the long-term average.