Windrush Weather

Monthly summary March 2010

Consistently high pressure until the 17th brought cold and dry weather as the anticyclone blocked fronts advancing from the Atlantic. The dry, strong mainly northerly winds produced just 1mm of rainfall over the sixteen days but gave us eight nights with air frost. The remainder of the month brought very different weather with just one dry day between the 18th and 31st. A maximum of 14.6°C was recorded on the 18th with the coldest night experienced during the early hours of the 5th when the thermometer fell to -6.7°. The wettest day was the 24th with 14.3mm. The total rainfall for March was 70.5mm, which is 118% of the long-term average. Due to the persistent northerly winds it was a cold month with the mean temperature 0.5°C below the long-term average.