We had an almost dry day on Sunday with the exception of a few drops around lunchtime, not measurable. But just before 5pm the showers started again producing another 3.5mm of precipitation, thankfully not as wet as the previous day. The total for July is now 97.2mm, which is 163% of the 33-year average or plus 37mm. This makes 2017 the wettest July since 2009.
As on previous days, the sunny morning with 2 hours of strong sunshine, raised the thermometer to its highest just before 1pm, with a peak of 18.6C, nearly 4C below average.
It was a much cooler night, below average, with a minimum of 11.0C at 05.24. This was the first below average night for a week.
This morning has dawned with much sunshine and minimal cloud, raising the temperature to 14.2C at 08.00.