After the very sunny day on Monday, with 7.3 hours of strong sunshine, Tuesday brought us just 38 minutes of strong sunshine, briefly after midday, following the clearance of the weather front. The cold front produced 6.2mm of rainfall, bringing the total for November to 20.1mm, being 22% of the November 33-year average.
Just after 14.30 yesterday the barometric pressure started to rise again with the result that the wind veered from the south into the northwest. The wind, gusting to 20mph from this cooler direction, meant that the thermometer fell from its peak of 13.6C at 11.54 to a minimum of 1.6C at dawn, as a result of the clear sky. The maximum was 3.6C above the November average whereas the low temperature produced a ground frost and was 2.1C below the average. There was no air frost as a breeze throughout the night meant that the air was always on the move.
This morning broke very sunny as the last of the cloud from the weather front continued its eastwards journey.