Maximum of 19.3C, down 7C on previous day and 3C below average
UV down from 7.7 to 1.9, which was at the ‘Low’ level
Evaporation down to 0.94mm after averaging greater than 4mm on previous days.
Solar energy lowest for three weeks.
Sunshine – none
Wednesday contrasted remarkably from previous days. With thick cloud all day no sunshine was recorded and as a consequence the maximum was reached very early in the day at 10.12 with a reading of 19.3C. The temperature slowly fell away after this time and began to drop quickly after 6pm.
This morning the temperature took another tumble just after 6am as the barometric pressure began to rise and as a consequence the wind moved into the north west.
A shower occurred just before 3am and further precipitation was logged around 4.30am, totalling 2.3mm