The sunshine yesterday meant a day when the thermometer rose above the average, the first time for a week, with a maximum of 24.2C, which is 2C above the average for July.
The most notable feature yesterday was the UV level that soared to a level of 10.0, which is at the very top end of ‘Very High’ and bordering the ‘Extreme’ level. This was the second strongest UV this year after the peak of 10.4 on 24th June.
Just before midnight the wind direction veered from the west into the north.
The barometric pressure has been rising for several hours and at 08.00 was reading 1024.5mb, the highest pressure since 24th June.
The overnight minimum was 10.9C, a much cooler night than recently, being almost 1C below the average.
Dawn arrived with an almost clear sky and strong sunshine with over 2 hours before 08.00 that raised the temperature to 16.7C at that time.