Windrush Weather

Warmth is on our doorstep – highest UV and solar yesterday for months.

Tuesday brought the first initial changes in our weather after ten days of gloomy, very cool weather. The thermometer rose to its highest since the 6th, but not to get excited, with a maximum of 6.8C it was still 0.6C below the long-term average. However, the strong sunshine, until just after midday then more muted due to high cloud, gave us the highest solar radiation since 26th October with a maximum of 476 watts/m2. In addition, the UV light brought us the maximum value of 1.4 since 31st October 2024.

The pool of cool air was still with us overnight that saw the thermometer slowly drop away to reach a minimum of -0.1C at 06.04 early Wednesday that produced a ground frost and a very short lived air frost. By 08.00 the temperature had recovered to 0.2C.

Wednesday revelled any with high, thin cloud that allowed some brightness at first.

The very large area of low pressure is still edging closer. The advance edge of the associated weather front is currently over Somerset with variable rain showers. Between that area and ourselves there is a band of thicker cloud that will soon obscure any possible sunshine this morning. The barometric pressure has fallen 7mb since yesterday, the greatest drop since the 8th, indicating that the depression is winning the battle against the recent high pressure, now well to the east. The wind direction will change this afternoon, from the southeast where it has been for the past two days, to south, heralding the arrival of the warmer air. The downside of this change will be more cloud that will limit the sunshine and bring variable rain over the next few days.

The shrub shown in the pictures for the next few days will be Mahonia Japonica, much loved by bees, it also produces a very pleasant, strong scent.