Windrush Weather

Wettest 24 hours since 29th July

Thursday brought us another sunless day although there was a little brightness in the early afternoon.

The barometric pressure fell all day and rapidly early evening to a minimum of 994.9mb, the lowest for over a month as a deep depression travelled north-eastwards over eastern Wales.

The wind increased in strength, gusting to 32mph at 21.04, with increasing rainfall that amounted to 10.2mm making it the wettest day since 29th July. This brings the total for October to 22.4mm, still well below the October average of 86.4mm.

The thermometer rose above the average yesterday to a peak of 15.6C (+1C) and the minimum of 10.8C was 3.5C above the long-term average.

It is nearly a month since the wind came from a southeasterly direction, which veered into the west early this morning.

This morning the effects of the depression are still felt with gusty wind and intermittent rain falling from a thick, low cloud base.