Windrush Weather

Wettest day for over a month

The south-easterly winds gave us a warm sunday with the thermometer rising above the average for the second day with a maximum of 19.9C, being 1.2C above the 33-year average.

Sunshine was much reduced over the previous day but we enjoyed a welcome 2.7 hours.The UV level of ‘Moderate’ was exactly same as the two previous days.

Late afternoon the initial cloud from an advancing weather front was evident with rain beginning to fall just before 1am. The heaviest rainfall occurred just over an hour later followed by light rain and drizzle.

It was a very mild night with a minimum of 14.0C, being 4.7C above the September average.

At 08.00 the rainfall amounted to 8.7mm bringing the total for September to 57.1mm, which is 93% of the September average, this made it the wettest day since 20th August.

This morning is dull and wet with very low cloud sitting across the tops of the Marlboorugh Downs and frequent showers of drizzle.