Windrush Weather

Wettest day for three months

Friday was a dry day with limited sunshine, a total of 2.1 hours of strong sunshine was recorded. The daytime temperature fell away again for the third day with a maximum of 12.8C, still 2.8C above the November average.

The temperature dropped away to a low of 9.9C during the afternoon and early evening but just after 9pm the thermometer started to rise again as the cloud, associated with the approaching weather front, arrived so that that at 08.00 this morning the thermometer read 11.9C, the mildest start to a day for a week.

There was little wind during the daytime yesterday, maximum gust of just 7mph. However, after midnight as the weather front started to pass over the area, for a few hours there was more wind activity with a maximum gust of 14mph.

The rainfall over the past twenty-four hours, to 08.00 this morning, totalled 12.7mm, the wettest day since 2nd August. It is still raining this morning with low cloud draping the Marlborough Downs giving very misty conditions.