Windrush Weather

Wettest twenty-four hours this month

Tuesday started well with 2.09 hours of strong sunshine but increasing cloud late morning meant the peak temperature of just 13.9C, was reached at 11.45. This made it the coolest day in October being 0.7C below the long-term average and the first below average maximum.

The first rain shower started just after 16.30 with the main intermittent rainfall arriving around 8pm, peaking around midnight. The daily rainfall amounted to 4.8mm, making this the wettest day this month.

Even with this wettest day the rainfall for October amounts to just 11.1mm whereas we have lost 17mm of equivalent moisture into the atmosphere through evaporation from ground sources and plant life.

This morning is dull and grey with thick, low cloud producing misty conditions. Notably the wind moved from a southerly direction into the north east around 03.00.