With the wind, very brisk at times giving a maximum of 20 mph, having backed into the south on Monday, the maximum temperature at 15.10 was 21.6C, the warmest day since 25th July. It was most welcome to have a warner day but keeping it in perspective it was only 0.9C above the August average.
It was another dry day, predominately cloudy, but with 1.04 hours of strong sunshine.
Not only was the maximum above average but also the minimum overnight as the cloud and southerly air, the wind dropped out, gave us a minimum of 12.0C. It was the warmest night for a week being just above the August average and 5C above the previous night’s minimum.
Just after midnight there were a couple of showers amounting to 2.0mm bringing the total for August to 32.4mm, almost 50% of the monthly average.