The difference between saturday and sunday is significant:
Maximum: down from 20.4C to 14.2C
Wind: maximum gust up from 11mph to 20mph
Sun: down for 9.07 hours to Zero
Rainfall: rising from a dry day to 7.1mm
The warm front that brought almost twenty-four hours of light rain and drizzle started at 8am yesterday. There was a slightly drier period early evening and again between 1am and 3am. The total rainfall was 7.1mm.
The thermometer hovered around 14C all day but started to rise late evening adding 2C to the maximum by day resulting in a temperature of 16.1C at 08.00.
This morning dawned with hill fog that gave visibility dropping down from 2,200m. at 06.30 to 400m at 08.00.