Windrush Weather

Wind speed & temperature rise in advance of storm Ophelia. Warmest morning for two months.

The temperature peaked at 17.4C on sunday, and slowly fell away late afternoon and evening until just after 21.15 when the thermometer started to rise again as the warm air brought to us as storm Ophelia approaches began to be felt. Within one hour the temperature had risen 1.4C from a low of 14.6C.

This morning the wind started to rise just after 04.00 with a peak of 18mph, equal to the maximum gust on sunday.

Monday has arrived with weak sunshine and the thermometer, having risen further to 16.4C at 08.00, indicates the warmest morning since 17th August.

To highlight the relative warmth, yesterday’s maximum was almost 3C above the 33-year average for October and the minimum was 6C above the October average.