Windrush Weather

Windiest day for 7 months – still only glancing blow from storm Brian

The effects of Storm Brian were felt throughout saturday with strong gusts of wind peaking at 40mph at 15.22. The wind, predominantly from the south, veered into the west just before 8pm.

Both maximum and minimum temperatures were close to the average with 14.3C (-0.3C) and 7.6C (+0.3C) at 08.00, the thermometer having fallen steadily after midnight.

This morning is bright with hazy sunshine promising more today after the 2.8 hours of strong sunshine yesterday. This is the coolest morning since 7th October.

The change to a westerly air flow, much weaker than yesterday, has also brought drier air with humidity at 08.00 reading 86%, the driest start to a day for a month.

Rainfall yesterday amounted to 1.2mm, bringing the total for October to 29.5mm, which is just 34% of the 33-year average.

The barometric pressure, having fallen and risen rapidly over the past few days, is this morning rising rapidly (1012mb at 08.00) under the influence of a small ridge of high pressure.