Windrush Weather

Wow! Minimum of 2.2C is a grass frost temperature.

After a cloudy day with drizzle and heavier bursts of rain around midday, totalling 2.5mm, the sun eventually broke through late afternoon with 1.8 hours of sunshine.

The overcast day meant a maximum of only 15.1C, being 3.6C below the 33-year average. The UV level, not surprisingly, only staggered into the ‘Low’ live, the lowest since 18th March.

Late afternoon the wind veered from the south into the west that, with clearing skies, meant the thermometer began to drop steadily.

The minimum at 06.29 this morning was 2.2C, producing temporary grass frost and the coolest night since 10th May, being 7.1C below the September average.

This morning there was a little mist at dawn, fog in the River Kennet valley, but strong sunshine shortly afterwards.